Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Drawing and Writing

A for Addison
Faces And Spiders


The suspense is building as Halloween approaches. Addison has not decided whether to be a witch, or Cinderella or Snow White. She also would like to go as Belle from Beauty and The Beast, but we are encouraging her to go with something that is currently available in her costume wardrobe.

Chocklit Pudding

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Toddler Ballet

After wearing tutus and ballet slippers at home, to the playground, grocery store, etc. for the last three months, we finally got Addison into a ballet class. Two and three-year-olds doing ballet is pretty comical. The teachers do a great job trying to keep the kids engaged, but they still tend to wander off and do their own thing when it suits them. Here are a few shots from Addison's first class - when she chose to participate. There was a bit of shyness and rolling around on the floor in lieu of participation.

Friday, July 2, 2010

All Things Disney

In preparation for our Disney trip next year, we have begun the indoctrination. A couple of months ago, Addison had no idea who Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Ariel were. We've been on a steady regimen of two Disney movies per day, which isn't as bad as it sounds because we fast forward through the scary parts (mostly those involving witches and violent thunderstorms). She recently informed us that she was getting married to the Prince.
Taking a nap with the Disney princess purse

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dancing to Snow White

"Can you do dis?"

Trip to Pensacola

A month and a half after the BP oil spill, we were very fortunate that Pensacola Beach was still beautiful and the weather was perfect. We got to meet the Sumrall twins for the first time, and Addison had a great time playing with Clayton and Emma Hartman Sumrall. Emma and Addison dressed up like ballerinas and then wore matching Cinderella dresses. Grandma Leigh also made the trip, but she was behind the camera most of the time.